Classic Bridal Bouquet

Classic Bridal Bouquet
from $119.99
An elegantly designed bouquet finished with hand tied silk and an antique pearl pin. We use foliage such as west coast greenery, salal, boxwood, Italian ruscus and multiple types of eucalyptus. Blooms can include those such as roses, wax flower, thistle, spray flowers and in the summer months, our garden blooms such as sweet peas, scabiosa's, dahlias and more. Bloom and foliage selection as well as colour palette is yours for the choosing.
* Bridal bouquet also includes vase and carrying box (in case you're going up in a helicopter)
* Please fill out the notes with your colour palette and a suggested bloom selection, if you have a preference. We use seasonal blooms that will compliment our style .
Luxury long silk add on is $19.99