Julia Rose Hoogeveen
Jules developed a bond with the natural world around her at an early age, first training with her Dutch father and grandfather at their landscaping business. Jules moved on to continue her training in California, with a focus on organic flower farming and floral design. Still today, Southern California remains one of Jules’ favourite places, its character, aura, elements of style and nature, and its energy still a major source of inspiration and reflected in many of her designs. After opening Flowers and Jules in 2014, Jules quickly learned the harm that can be done in industrial forms of farming and made the decision to begin growing her own organic flowers and foliage on her property amid the mountains of Pemberton, B.C. where she lives with her husband and two kids.
Our 3-acre property is outside of Pemberton and just north of Whistler, British Columbia. Over the growing months, we dedicate our land to organic flowers and some vegetables. Mass grown cut-flowers can be sprayed with a lot of pesticides and herbicides. Also shipped and flown from all over the world. Most of our flowers are grown from seed right here in our greenhouse, which we start in early February. Some of our favourite things to grow are peonies, roses, lavender, sweet peas, dahlias, scabiosa, delphiniums, love in a mist, stock, heather, blue thistle, foxglove, clematis, cherry blossoms, ninebark, eucalyptus, boxwood, sage, hops and so much more. We also have a large selection of dried flowers for our clients.
One of my favourite things about our property is our renovated 19th century barn. The vaulted white ceilings and polished cement floors provide the perfect blank canvas for floral design and collaborative photoshoots.
Nestled in the countryside, working the land, and watching the seasons change has fostered a real, innate connection between myself and the natural environment around me. Here in our studio, we focus on the use of environmentally friendly techniques. The wedding industry still relies heavily on the use of green foam, which ultimately leads to waste that cannot be broken down. Further to this, there are hundreds of toxic ingredients that are horrible for the landfills and the people working with this product. After event clean up we compost and re-gift all the flowers and foliage. We even reuse the wire from the floral installations. Our goal after the party wraps is always for you to be left only with a ball of tape.